Love is late night philosophical talks that turn into giggles. Loving is holding hands as you walk through the frozen food aisle, smiling as if you’re on your very first date. Love is doing the chores the other one thinks are gross.
Love is saying, “I love you now and I love who you’re becoming.” Love is caring for someone else’s well-being more than your ideologies. Love is giving someone the space to reimagine who they are.
Love is sharing and keeping the most sacred of secrets. Love is apologizing and forgiving, again and again. Love is an adventure, a challenge, and a delight.
Love is remembering the little details, the precious details. Love is gutsy and gentle. Love is finding safety in a little world of two.
Love is reading a book together in bed as you listen to the rain against the roof. Love is how you treat me every day. Love is how I feel for you.
I love you very much, sweetheart. Happy second anniversary.
Filed under: Letters, Marriage, Poetry